 » OSA Modules   OSA-SMSR Analyzers  
  1. Single-Band OSA
  2. Dual-Band OSA
  3. Full-Band OSA
  4. 1064 nm OSA
  5. OCM/OPM Monitors
  6. SMSR Analyzer






» Product Description

GouMax’s SMSR Analyzer is advanced OSA modules with SMSR function (also called OSA-SMA module or SMSR OSA module). It not only works as an OSA module, but also as SMSR analyzer to provide a cost-effective solution to characterizing DFB lasers and transmitters. The OSA-family product is designed and produced using GouMax’s proprietary micro-optics and tunable technology. It measures optical spectrum of optical signals injected into the OSA device over the defined operating wavelength range. From the measured spectrum and using advanced algorithm, SMSR, wavelengths of main and side modes, and power of main mode are calculated. The reported SMSR is normalized to spectral resolution 0.02~0.10 nm of Yokogawa Optical Spectrum Analyzer AD6370D (SMSR mode: SMSR1). GouMax OSA-family products with SMSR functions support any single wavelength band from 1250 to 1650 nm, such as O-band, E-band, S-band, C-band, L-band, U-band and any other customer specified wavelength range. System control and communication is provided though the RS232/UART interface, which allows users to collect data and spectrum for further analysis with ease.

The SMSR Analyzer module can be used as a standalone device. GouMax provides control software and GUI for data analysis.

SMSR analyzer
Figure 1: O-band SMSR Analyzer module

SMSR is defined as the peak power difference between main mode and the highest side mode, as shown in Figure below. When measuring SMSR, the care has been taken. First of all, SMSR is defined as the peak power difference, rather than the total power difference. Secondly, the peak power is measured by an optical spectrum analyzer with pre-set RBW (resolution bandwidth). Typically, the RBW is set at 50 pm.

SMSR definition

Figure 2: SMSR definition

GouMax SMSR analyzer products support O-band, E-band, S-band, C-band, L-band, U-band and any other customer specified wavelength range.

» Key Features
  • Solution to SMSR, wavelength and power measurement
  • Rapid and accurate
  • Cost effective
  • Integration to automation
» Key Applications
  • SMSR measurements
  • Transmitter analyzer
  • Hand-held/portable OSA
  • Optical network monitoring
  • Test and measurement instruments

When used for test and measurement equipment, the SMSR analyzer module can beintegrated into customer's equipment. Customer will control the module and analyze the spectrum data using customer's algorithm.

The OSA-SMA module can be used as a standalone device. GouMax provides control software and GUI for data analysis.

» Typical Specifications

GouMax single-band SMSR analyzer modules support O-, E-, S-, C-, L- and U-band operation.

For details, please request specifications from GouMax Sales.

Operating wavelength range
1260 ~ 1350 (O-band)
Input power range
-45 ~ 15
Max input power
Equivalent Measurement Bandwidth
Wavelength accuracy
Wavelength repeatability
± 10
Absolute power accuracy
± 0.8
Relative power accuracy
± 1.0
Power repeatability
± 0.15
Noise floor
SMSR measurement range
SMSR accuracy
± 1.0
Optical return loss
> 40
Response time
< 1
Power consumption
< 2.0
Electrical interface
  • Note 1: Specs guarantee for input power range only from −40 ~ −10 dBm
  • Note 2: Specs for power measurements do not include PDL.
  • Note 3: SMSR accuracy is ± 1.5 dB for SMSR > 40 dB.
  • Note 4: Peak power of the highest side mode should be > - 45 dBm.
  • Note 4: Measurement for single main mode and the separation between the main and side modes is > 0.8 nm.
» Other Information

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