What is Laser Scan Analyzer?
GouMax Laser Scan Analyzer (LSA) products are multi-function power meter modules. They are called "Laser Scan Analyzer" because LSA modules are usually used in various applications to measure powers in conjunction with laser scanning/sweeping. They consist of high-speed power meters used to measure powers with synchronized high-speed laser sweeping. More distinctively, LSA provides wavelength measurement for sweeping laser. Therefore, LSA modules can provide the following functions:
- It can be simply used as a normal power meter to measure static laser output power
- It measures power of high-speed sweeing laser
- It measures wavelength of sweeping laser and provides wavelength reference
- It provides power reference for relative power measurements
Figure 1: LSA-200A and LSA-200B Modules
Applications of Laser Scan Analyzer
LSA-200 and LSA-800 Laser Scan Analyzer modules are designed to allow the user to build their automatic data collection/analysis system by using their existing tunable laser source or GouMax TLS-1200 tunable Lasers. These LSA modules provide single channel and two channel measurements at high speed with superior spectral resolution and high dynamic range. The LSA-200 modules are aimed for fully utilizing the testing capacity of the tunable laser and has significantly enhanced the production throughput in manufacturing floor.
Data Acquisition Example Using LSA-200A
We use single-channel LSA-200A module as an example to show how to build your measurement system. The function diagram is shown in Figure 2 below, GouMax data acquisition and analysis system consists of a sweeping tunable laser, an LSA-200A module and a personal computer. The computer controls the tunable laser for its wavelength sweeping from a “Start” wavelength to a “Stop” wavelength at a specified sweep speed. When the laser sweeps at the “Start” wavelength, a trigger signal is sent to LSA-200A for synchronizing data acquisition. As the laser source scans the wavelength, the light-detection units sample the light level passing through the DUT (Device Under Test), synchronized with the wavelength clock of the tunable laser source. At the same time, internal power detector unit and real-time wavelength meter measure reference power and wavelength. Within sub-second, the full spectra of the DUTs are acquired. Based on the spectra, one can derive the critical parameters of the DUT, such as bandwidth at different levels, insertion loss, central wavelength and isolation, etc.
Figure 2: Function diagram of LSA-200A module
To fulfill many varieties of customer’s applications, LSA-200 provides Dynamic Link Library (DLL) that allows users to build their own control software while dynamically accessing acquisition data. Computer controls and exchanges with LSA-200 modules through DLL.