GouMax LSA-200P module is a customized polarization state controller, used to generate special polarization states for four-state method PDL measurements. GouMax high-speed PDL measurement system consists of a high-speed sweeping tunable laser TLS-1200, a polarization state controller LSA-200P module and and a multi-function power meter module, as shown in Figure 1 below. TLS-1000 provides linearly polarized laser, and single-channel LSA-200A measures insertion loss spectra at each polarization state generated by LSA-200P module.GouMax DLL function will calculate PDL based on insertion loss spectra.
Please see LSA-200U PDL tester, which is the integration module of LSA-200P with a single channel LSA-200A.
LSA-200P module can provide the following functions:
- It generates 4 special polarization states from a linearly polarized laser
- It synchronizes with TLS-1200 and LSA-200A (or LSA-200B/LSA-200S)

Figure 1: PDL Measurement