GouMax UFP optical interleaver is a new-generation interlaver that has wide passband, wide stop bands and high channel isolation.
An optical interleaver (Mux) is a 3-port passive fiber-optic device that can be used as DeMUX or MUX. As a DeMUX, the input DWDM optical signal is split into two output streams: odd channels and even channels. In each of the output port, the channel spacing is twice of the input signals. In contrast, as a MUX, it combines two sets of DWDM channels into a composite signal stream in an interleaving way. For example, optical interleaver takes two multiplexed signals with 100 GHz spacing and interleaves them, creating a denser DWDM signal with channels at 50 GHz spacing. The process can be repeated, creating even denser composite signals with 25 GHz or 12.5 GHz spacing.

Figure 1: Functions of Optical Interleaver/De-interleaver
GouMax designs and manufactures UFP optical interleavers based on its proprietary micro-optics multiple-beam interference technology. By comparison with traditional Gires-Tournois-cavity-based interleaver whose 3-dB passband width is equal to the channel spacing, GouMax’s UFP interleaver has high isolation and wide isolation region. Further, the 3-dB passband width is adjustable by design. This new-generation interleaver benefits from its innovative design that the spectra of odd and even channels cross at <-5~-10 dB, rather than at -3 dB for the traditional interleaver (See schematic graphs below).

Figure 2: Spectrum comparison of interleaver spectra

Figure 3: UFP optical interleaver product